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오늘의 생활영어208

[청주유학원/세계유학정보센타 청주지사/에브리데이English] Nothing really comes to mind. 당장 떠오르는 게 없네. [청주유학원/세계유학정보센타 청주지사/에브리데이English] 오늘의 한마디 영어 Nothing really comes to mind. 당장 떠오르는 게 없네. [청주유학원/세계유학정보센타 청주지사/에브리데이English] A : Do you have a better idea? B : Nothing really comes to mind. A : When a great idea runs across your mind, write down immediately.. 2013. 10. 21.
[에브리데이English] Don't just make assumptions. 넘겨짚지 마. 오늘의 한마디 영어 Don't just make assumptions. 넘겨짚지 마. A : You’re hiding something from me, aren’t you? Tell me the whole truth. B : I have nothing to hide. Don’t just make assumptions. A : 너 나한테 뭔가 숨기는 거 있지? 그냥 솔직하게 털어놔. B : 내가 숨길 게 어디 있어? 넘겨짚지 마. ▶ 출처 : 경향닷컴 ▶ 자료제공 : 한국외국어대학교 2013. 10. 18.
[청주유학원/세계유학정보센타 청주지사/에브리데이English] Do you work out these days? 요즘 운동하니? [청주유학원/세계유학정보센타 청주지사/에브리데이English] 오늘의 한마디 영어 Do you work out these days? 요즘 운동하니? [청주유학원/세계유학정보센타 청주지사/에브리데이English] A : Do you work out these days? You look better. B : Yes, I do a high-energy workout for thirty minutes on 4 days of the week. A : 요즘 운동.. 2013. 10. 17.
[청주 에브리데이 English] to be honest with 솔직히 말하자면 [청주 에브리데이 English] 오늘의 한마디 영어 to be honest with 솔직히 말하자면 Tom : Oh, look at that sculpture! That’s so marvelous! Jack : You think so? I can’t understand what it’s trying to show. Tom : What are you talking about? It’s a very famous piece of art from 15th century. Jack : Well, to be honest with you, it looks like a piece of gar.. 2013. 10. 16.
[청주유학원/세계유학정보센타 청주지사/에브리데이English] You're very photogenic. 너 사진 정말 잘 받네. [청주유학원/세계유학정보센타 청주지사/에브리데이English] 오늘의 한마디 영어 You're very photogenic. 너 사진 정말 잘 받네. [청주유학원/세계유학정보센타 청주지사/에브리데이English] A : This is a nice photo. You’re very photogenic. B : Do you really think so? A : Sure. By the way, who took this photo? B : My boyfriend... 2013. 10. 15.
[청주유학원/세계유학정보센타 청주지사/에브리데이English] sign up for 신청하다, 가입하다 [청주유학원/세계유학정보센타 청주지사/에브리데이English] 오늘의 한마디 영어 sign up for 신청하다, 가입하다 [청주유학원/세계유학정보센타 청주지사/에브리데이English] Rickie : What do you usually do after work? Sara : I signed up for a Korean institute to improve my Korean a few months ago. Rickie : No wonder you always .. 2013. 10. 14.