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청주관광통역안내사 면접준비 자료

by 청주유학원 넘버원 2016. 12. 28.






2016년 12월 27일에  관광통역 안내사 자격증이 드디어 도착했어요. 

크리스마스 선물이 택배로 도착한 것처럼 정말 기뻤습니다 ㅋㅋㅋ.

관광통역안내사 2차 면접 시험 공부는 정말 죽을 맛이었습니다

이건 머리로 암기 하는게 아니라 입으로 내뱉어야 하고, 영어로 말해야 하거든요.

질문내용이 너무 광범위해서 역사, 시사, 정책, 이슈 뭐 이런거 다 알아놔야 해서 준비할 게 정말 많았어요.


한국어로도 답변하기 힘든 것을 어떻게 영어로 대답해야 할지, 그것도 말로 설명해야

하니까 맨붕이었어요.

예를 들어 우리나라  유네스코 세계유산, 세계기록유산, 세계무형유산에 대해 설명해봐라 할 때

그걸 설명해 보실 수 있는 분은 거의 없을꺼에요ㅜㅜ



관광통역안내사는 특히 유네스코 세계유산, 세계문화유산, 세계기록유산에 대해서

 다 알고 있어야 면접에 대비할 수 있어요.

이건 필기시험도 자주 출제되는 단골 문제입니다.



어떤분은 기본실력으로 가뿐히 통과했다는 행운아도 있지만, 저는 이런 행운이 따라오는 사람이 아닙니다.

노력하지 않으면 얻지 못하는게 제 운이더라구요.














   글씨 참 못쓰네요 ㅜ  부끄부끄

Q 직지 Jinkji is the oldest metal type printed book in the world. It is still existence today and shows that Korea has had a well-developed printing technology throughout its history. 직지  summarizes the words and speech from Buddha and senior monks and were printed using metal type technology in  흥덕사  temple,  청주 in 1377. First volum of the series has been lost and thus the second volume only is located at the France National Museum.  In 2001 직지 was designated as a World Cultural Heritage Site by UNESCO.


DMZ is a buffer zone between two Koreas, bisecting the Korean Peninsula. DMZ has been the most Popular touristspot of Korea for foreigners. The purpose of the zone is to prevent the recurrence of war between North and South Korea.  The Zone ranges 2 Km north and south respectively from the ceasefire line of 1953. It’s one of the most well-preserved wild-life parks where peace and tension together.

 JSA(joint Security Area)




Q 템플스테이


Temple stay is a cultural experience program designed to enhance the public’s understand of Korean Buddhism. Therefore it’s open to everyone regardless of religious belief.

Temple stay entails an overnight stay at a Buddhist temple, and participation in such Buddhist rituals as Yebul, Chamseon and barugongyang.  Other activites may include Dado(tea ceremony)  with monks.



 Q 국립 무형 유산 종류

보존가치가 크다고 인정되는 유형문화재를 국가에서 지정 국립 무형유산 1호: 종묘제례악, 2호:양주별산대놀이, 3: 남사당 놀이유네스코 지정 무형유산:  종묘제례 및 종묘제례악, 판소리, 강릉단오제, 강강술래, 남사당놀이, 영산제, 제주칠머리당 영등굿, 처용무, 가곡, 대목장, 매사냥, 줄타기. 택견, 한산모시짜기, 아리랑, 김장문화, 농악, 줄다리기


Q 유네스코 등재에 대한 설명(한국어)

인류를 위해 보호되어야 할 현저한 가치가 있다고 인정되는 것을 지정하는데, 우리나라의 전통문화를 인정하기 시작하여 기쁨 유네스코 등재유산에는 세계유산, 기록유산, 무형유산 3가지가 있음.  1995년 석굴암과 불국사, 해인사 장경판전, 종묘 등재를 시작으로 해마다 그 수가 늘어나고 있다




Q 해인사 팔만대장경


Haeinsa temple is one of the three largest temples in Korea. It houses the Tripitaka Koreana.  This is an extensive collection of Buddhist texts from the 13th century. They are Buddhist scriptures engraved on about 80,000 printing woodblocks. The woodblocks were originally carved during the Monogl invasions as a way to seek protection.  These texts are recognized around the world by scholars as exemplars. Of accuracy and superior quality.


The Depositories called janggyeongPanjeon preserve the Tripitaka Koreana. JanggyeongPanjeon was specifically designed to preserve and protect the texts from the elements. In 1995 janggyeongPanjeon was designated as a World Cultural Heritage Site by UNESCO.

 Q 광복절 Korea’s Liberation Day.


Korea’s Liberation day is a national holiday for celebrating liberation. on August 15, 1945, Japan was defeated at the end of the World War 2. The emperor of Japan surrendered to Allied forces. The liberation of Korea is because of Surrender of Japan.  We celebrate this day every August 15.  Korean hang the national flags outside the house. The Taegukgi can be seen on balconies, by doorways, and sides of buildings.





 Q 세시절기 연중 주기적으로 행해지는 것들. 1년을 춘하추동의 4계절과 24절기를 나누어 농사를 지음.  농사짓는 때를 놓치지 않기 위해서 한해를 스물넷으로 나누어 계절의 변화를 알기 쉽게. 이러한 절기에 맞춰 세시행사를 함  입춘: 봄이 시작되는 날,  우수, 경칩, 춘분, 곡우 등등To grow main crops or to take care of crops’ growing well, our ancestors had to understand the weather from spring through winter.  First divided a year into spring, summer, autumn, and winter and each season into a further 6 divisions. These are the Korea 24 seasons(절기). Each of these had its own significance in terms of predicting changes in the weather.  



Q 종묘제례/종묘제례악

종묘제례 is a memorial service for kings and queens throughout Choseon Dynasty. The memorial service called 종묘제례 and it is said to be the oldest complete ceremony in the world.It has been well- preserved ancient custom and its buildings for a long time. It was designated as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site in 1995. 종묘제례악 is the its music, song, dances while the memorial service was conducting. It was designated as a UNESCO Intangible Heritage, too.


Q 안중근 의사 설명 

안중근, is one of the most well-know figures in Korean History. He is considered as a patriotic martyr(patriot) who sacrificed his life for the country’s independence.

In 1909 He assassinated Japanese prime Minister and the Resident-General of Korea, Ito Hirobumi, which took place in Harbin, Manchuria, right when Korea was annexed by Japan. Ahn was honored lately with the highest medal of honor by the Korean government in 1962.


Q 을미사변 (Eulmi incident 1895)

 Empress 명성왕후(Queen Min) was assassinated by Japanese killers in 1895. It was planned by a Japanese ambassador of Korea. Japan wanted to reinforce its influence on the Korean peninsula. They hate Queen Min who was closed to Russia. 1895 8월 일어난 명성왕후 시해사건. 일본은 러시아와 가까이하는 명성왕후가 못마땅하여 살해.



Q 춘향전

The Chunhyangjeon is one of the best known love stories and folk tales of Korea. It is based on the pansori Chunhyangjeon. The most famous of the five 판소리.

Q 독립문 (Independence gate, 1897)

The Independence gate is a memorial gate located in Seoul. It was built to replace the 영은문 which was a symbol of diplomatic relations between Korean and Qing Dynasty, Modeled after the Arch of Triumph in Paris. The expense for the construction was collected as a fund by Korean citizen.The Independence club, 독립협회 announced our independence to the world “ No one can’t interfere our country “ The announcement was for Japan Russia and China. 1896 독립협회가 한국의 영구 독립을 선언하기 위하여 만든 문이고, 전국민을 상대로 모금운동으로 세움


Q 잡상 (지붕위 경사진 곳에 있는 동물 모형. 악귀나 귀신으로부터 건물을 보호 목적) 잡상 are small animal statues on the sloping roof ridges. We can find them on the roof of places. They are intended to guard the building against evil spirits and ghosts. Their shapes are monkey, pig and some imaginary creatures. They came from China culture.



Q 북촌 한옥마을에서 하면 안되는 행동 (북촌 한옥마을은 실제로 주민이 사는 곳, 무단침입 금지, 조용한 관광)

북촌 Village is a real village that people live in. so travelers must not enter the house without permission


And also when talk to the others, tell them quietly.  I heard the residents feel that they are in the zoo.

Q 절에 있는 당간지주 : 깃발게양대  옛날 절에는 깃발을 세웠는데. 그 장대를 고정시키는 것이 당간지주

. 돌로 만듬


Danggan refers temple flagpole. It is usually made of stone to hang the flag to inform Buddhist events at the long distance.

The flagpole, Danggna was set up two stones to support the flagpole.  Pillar(기둥)
Q 탈춤 

한국의 전통 가면극. 배우들이 가면을 쓰고 흉내를 내고 말을 하고 노래를 함. 하회탈춤, 봉산탈춤,처용무


Talchum is a Korean mask dance performed on the ground. The actors and actress with wearing mask are miming, speaking, sometimes singing, even talking to the audience.


The only time the lower classes were able to laugh at the upper classes during the Talchum.

Q 유교책판  (Confucian printing Woodblocks in Korea )

조선시대 유학자들의 저작물을 간행하기 위해 나무판에 새긴 인쇄판으로 선현과 스승의 가름침을 후손에게 전승

The Confucian Printings woodblocks were made during the Chosun Dynasty. The woodblocks were manufactured to print Chosun’s prominent Confucian scholars’ writings ranging from literature, history, biography and geography to Neo-Confucianism from the late 15th century to the early 20th century.


It is added to World Intangible cultural Heritage by UNESCO 2015.

Q 사리(불교문화의 장례문화)  석가모니나 성자의 유골에서 나오는 구슬모양의 것. 덕이 많은 사람에게 나옴

It’s a relics of the Buddha or of great masters. Sariras are crystals that are found among the cremated ashes of buddhist maters.



Q 베니키아에 대해서

한국관광공사에서 관리하는 호텔. 베니키아는 한국 최초의 중저가 관광호텔 체인브랜드로,


베스트 나이트 코리아 (Best Night in Korea) 머리글자를 조합하여 만들었음. 고품격 호텔이지만 가격은 합리적.


BENIKEA is the business hotel chain operated by the Korean Tourism Organization. BENIKIA is a short word for ‘Best night in Korea’ which represent the best hospitality. The goal is to provide high quality accommodation at a reasonable price and build up the competitiveness of domestic tour industry.   BENKIA is evenly situated across the country.




